This post is a little overdue. My journal entry on September 15th of this year.
One of my favorite verses is Habakuk 3:17-19
Sometimes life falls apart.A gunman comes in,cancer strikes,divorce,rebellios teenagers,loss of a job,Loss of a loved one. It happens to all of us.When life falls apart spirit filled believers still choose to rejoice Him.
We live in a world that thrives on happiness.But,most people do not appear to be happy. Sports and entertainment are billion dollar industries.
Dallas Cowboy Stadium costs us 1.2 BILLION dollars.We spend trillions on fun,but depression as increased.Our primary concern is happiness.Our generation doesn't know where to find happiness much less JOY.
10 years ago a crazed gunman entered Wedgwood Baptist church and began shooting.It will forever me engraved in my mind.It was an all night ordeal.Followed by weeks of memorial services in the community and months of mourning.In the daybreak of the press conference someone asked Pastor Al "where was God in all of this?" He shared Habakuk 3:17-19
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God take away young lives? Why do godly people get cancer? Why did God let Texas beat Tech ?
I remember sitting in class after the shootings talking with friends who were sitting next to people who went to be with Jesus that night. Justin lied over the youth group and took 3 bullets for so many.Students were asking other students about what it meant to be a christian. your circumstances can change therefor that can not be where you find your joy but,Christ never changes so that is where we must place our joy.
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