This is the Lords doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Mark 12:11

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Being Willing Clay

There are 1,000,001 other things I should be doing right now, besides sitting on my porch writing this and serenading the neighbors with my guitar and ukulele like a true Texan.

But, I felt the need to write. I'm so overwhelmed by God's grace. 

I've been learning that JJ Heller song, the one where she sings, "Be gentle with me, Jesus, as You tear me apart." It is kind of a modern prayer of the passage in Job that says, "For He wounds, but He binds up; He shatters, but His hands heal."

What a great God, to care so much about us that He doesn't leave us the way we are.

He could easily leave us as marred, chipped, and broken clay pots, but, the loving Potter that He is, He instead knows that there is so much more for us, so much better for us, if we let Him shape us into something more beautiful.

...but only if we let Him.
It has been my experience that "letting Him" is often so very painful.

... But His hands heal.

I would rather be broken by my precious Savior and healed by His hands than left as the imperfect vessel far from Him. Each time we are broken and put back together we are a little more whole than we were before, a little more like Him, a little nearer to Him. Praise God! There is nothing sweeter than tasting just a little bit more of God's goodness.

He doesn't have to give us the affirmation that He sees us, but He does. He doesn't have to give us the affirmation that He is with us, but He does. He doesn't have to tell us that He is pleased with us, that He delights in us as His beloved and precious, payed for children, and that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons nor past nor present nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation can separate us from His love...but He does.

He tells us all these things while tearing away the things that keep us from knowing Him more. He is just, but He is gentle. I am so grateful that amidst showing me the ugly parts of me that need to go, He holds me close and reminds me of how His blood has beautified me and how precious I am to Him. He doesn't need to do either of those things. But blessed God! He does both.

Sometimes I become so overwhelmed with worry, and with uncertainties, but God says to me, "I am faithful to work in the little crevices of your heart, so trust me to be faithful in working out the bigger details of your life too."

 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!

Thanks for sharing in life with me, y'all.
May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ. - 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NLT

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